My Story

Hi, my name is Joshua Malley.

I have been practicing Mindfulness for much of my life and began to teach it over 2 years ago. 

I had unwittingly begun practicing Mindfulness as a child to aid me in getting to sleep each night, as well as to help me cope throughout my school years. This was an informal practice rather than formal. During my young adult years I stopped this informal practice and quickly deteriorated into clinical depression and generalised anxiety disorder, this took away most of my twenties. During that time I attended a couple of Mindfulness courses, but it didn't stick, as we all know actually practicing Mindfulness each day is very hard, especially when we are feeling pushed down or stressed. 

Through counselling and a realisation of the power of Mindfulness I began to change my life around, it took time, but none the less when I found Mindfulness again and combined it with therapy and exercise I overcame much of my past difficulties. I now wish to share what I know with others who struggle, with understanding and no judgement.

I have attended multiple courses as a student and completed Mindfulness teaching courses. Learning under teachers who have been practicing for over 40 years, such as Suryacitta Malcolm Smith. I also have Certificate in Counselling Skills where I have learnt the foundations of counselling and active listening. I am not a Counsellor however.

I am continuing to study and improve my knowledge and practice, as well as my instruction ability. Mindfulness is a life long learning experience. It is a passion that has been nurtured over many years and now is the time to share this with the world. 

I hope you found this helpful and to see you soon.

If you wish to learn more about my journey please find it here.

Contact me today for private sessions:
